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Clinic Service
Golden Treatment
22 Jul 2015 10:16 | Read 21,888

24 carat gold treatment for skin rejuvenation. This treatment reduces wrinkle and dark circles, prevents signs of aging, and stimulates production of new cells. It helps to make the skin radiant and glowing. The vibration from an equipment of the golden treatment acts as a gentle massage onto the skin and makes the skin active.


  • Hydrated skin, reduced redness and inflammation.

  • Bright and radiant face.

  • Firm and tight skin with youthful looks.

Treatment time
About 30 – 45 minutes.

For more information
Call Center : +66 2 714 9555
Whatsapp : +66 96 116 0806
Facebook : SLCclinic
Skype : SLCclinic 
LINE : @SLCclinic


more information

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